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主办单位:中国国际投资促进会  北京市海淀区商务局







印度工商会联合会 执行董事


Digital trade development in the BRICS

Atul Dalakoti: Executive Director, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry Center Founder,

BRICS Centre for Economic Cultural Research & Services


Mr. Dalakoti has been living in China for the past 43 years. His parents first came to China in 1956 to work for the Chinese government and have had a long friendly association with the Chinese people. His father Mr. Janaki Ballabh was given the highest civilian award by the first Prime Minister of China, Mr. Zhou Enlai.

阿都尔先生在中国生活了43年。他的父母于1956年首次来到中国,为中国政府工作,且与中国人民有着长期的友好交往。他的父亲Janaki Ballabh先生曾被中国第一任总理周恩来先生授予最高的友好纪念奖章。

 Mr. Dalakoti at present advises many companies from India and China. He consults with OYO as Advisor for more than 3 yearsHe also has been consulting for companies like GMR Group, Binani Group, Punj Lloyd Group with focus on helping companies develop a growth strategy for their organizations in Asia, Middle East and Africa with focus on India and China.

现在阿都尔先生为诸多印度和中国公司担当顾问角色。OYO 集团聘任他作为高级顾问且与他合作超过3 年。他也曾与GMR集团,Binani集团,Punj Lloyd集团等公司进行磋商和合作,专注于帮助公司为其在亚洲,中东和非洲的组织制定增长战略,重点关注印度和中国市场。

He also heads the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry’s office in China as their Executive Director for the past 20 years, which was set up as part of FICCI’s initiatives towards enhancing India-China commercial synergies. He is working towards providing a productive push to India-China economic relations by assisting in information generation and dissemination for doing business in China, helping set-up companies and business ventures in China and holding events with the objective of confidence building among the business communities of India and China.


He was previously President, China for the Reliance Group for 9 years reporting to the Chairman of the company, where he looked after all the businesses of the Group in China including companies like Reliance Power, Reliance Infrastructure, Reliance Capital, Reliance Communication and Reliance Entertainment and did sourcing for the group to the tune of USD 10 billion dollars. He also was responsible for raising USD 3 billion from Chinese banks for the Group and looked after business development activities in the region and was instrumental in a couple of Joint Ventures and strategic partnerships with Chinese companies.


He is also the Founder of BRICS Centre for Economic Cultural Research & Services Centre in Xiamen which is a private initiative to bring together the BRICS business community to create a win-win for all where there can be more trading, investments and cultural exchanges between members.  


He has been appointed as the Deputy Director General of the China Institute of Multinational Corporation, which is an organization under the Ministry of Commerce which provides services to the Multinational companies in China. He has been appointed as the Investment Promotion Consultant for the city if Beijing. He is also the Senior Adviser to the Asia Capital Forum, a non-governmental association which has membership of the top 500 private companies of China. He is also Senior Adviser to the Nanjing Special Economic Zone and Economic Consultant of Nanchang State High-Tech Industrial Development Zone. Both these Zones are national level SEZs. He has recently been appointed as an Adviser to the South Asian Economy and Management Institute. He is also the Economic Consultant on international affairs to the China Chamber of International Commerce, Tianjin Chamber of Commerce.

他受聘担任商务部跨国公司研究院副主任,该研究院隶属于中国商务部,专为驻华跨国公司提供服务。此外,他被任命为北京市招商顾问。他还是(Asia Capital Forum)亚洲资本论坛高级顾问,该非政府组织是中国民营企业500强的会员。同时,他还是南京高新技术产业开发区高级顾问和南昌国家高新技术产业开发区经济顾问,中国国际商会和天津国际商会的国际事务经济顾问以及许多中印公司的商业顾问。

共同交流 共谋发展


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